AASAI Association

American Association for the Social Advancement of India

AASAI is a non-profit organization for the underprivileged parts of India in the areas of healthcare, education, and social welfare. AASAI’s profits mainly go toward education for underprivileged groups, around 58%. The other donations fund AASAI’s mission to improve India’s communities.

AASAI’s vision is to provide enough for others so they can aid themselves. Specifically, they want everyone to have equal access to health care and let women be empowered to lead a life without fear, discrimination, and abuse. AASAI continues to pursue its goals of letting all minds reach their full potential and allowing everyone to have equal opportunities to excel.

For their initiative to provide for the disabled, AASAI teamed up with the ARF, or the ATHMA Research Foundation, which provides help for Tamilian children with Autism. Together, they started the Athmalayam Center, a special school for autistic children. Aside from this, AASAI is working on many other prominent projects in India and making a great positive change in Indian communities.

During our events, we will always have a donation box so any amount of money that you can donate helps!